Page name: Talon in Love [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-20 21:13:22
Last author: Just Paula
Owner: Just Paula
# of watchers: 6
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NOTE: i have stopped working on the story for a while... if i get around to typig out the rest that i have written already trust me you shall all be the pirst people to know


Talon was sitting in her favorite tree waiting for her beloved mate, Silver. She was busy working on her latest artistic creation with her trusty drawing pencil and sketch book. Getting bored of that, she put them back into her secret storage spot in the tree. Afterwards, she looked around to make sure nobody was around to look up her skirt as she was climbing. There was nobody there so she commenced the anti-boredom mission by climbing higher and higher and higher. Forgetting that her dear Silver was not around to catch her she made no attempt whatsoever to balance and soon fell from her lofty perch. She could have easily grabbed a branch but when she realized there was no one there to catch her it was to late. Talon was dropping like a rock, scrambling for something to grab on to; but alas, there were no more sturdy branches. She fell yelling frantically for help, but none were around. Finally she hit the ground with a loud


~ ~   ~
A young fur nearby ran to see who, or what for that matter, had been making all the noise. As he ran towards the big tree he stopped suddenly when he saw the most beautiful fox maiden lying limp in a shallow imprint on the ground. He called for help but nobody was around. Then the young fox thought “my father is a gaian class, he could help this girl” so he gently lifted the limp Talon and started on the way home.

oooo suspenseful

Silver came to the base of Talons tree and called for her. Not seeing her falling from above he figured she had fallen asleep at home so he went to try his luck there.

i know its short so sue me

Once Talon’s rescuer reached his home, he laid her on a bed and went to find his father. Once the handsome young fur found his father, he explained the young fox’s presence and asked if he could help. The seasoned old kitsune nodded then got to work. He clapped and rubbed his hands together then placed them over the girl. Energy radiated from his hand-paws, filling the room with green light. Then, suddenly, the green glow glittered and faded. “Now Romar,” his father started, “I have been out of practice for quite a while and I wasn’t able to heal her completely. She should probably stay for about a week.” Romar nodded,” Yes, Father, I agree.” Romar’s father went back to his workshop in the attic but Romar remained by Talons side.

updated twice in one day you lucky lil devils you

It was late and Talon had still not returned, so a little bit worried, Silver went home. He couldn’t sleep a wink, however, and the night passed slowly.
~  ~ ~
Romar woke up groggily and jumped when he saw Talon, but then quickly remembered the last day’s excitement. He was once again captivated by her beauty. He gently brushed a wisp of hair out of her face, and leaned in, with closed eyes, as if to kiss her. Right before Romar touched her lips with his own, he remembered himself, shook himself, and went to get breakfast. Talon awoke a few minutes later, and sat up, holding her pounding head. She looked around, dazed and confused, trying to figure out where she was and how she had gotten there. Romar returned to his room and saw the confused little shefox,”Hi,” Talon jumped, “sorry for startling you. I found you unconscious, under the big tree in the park and brought you to my father for healing.” Talon just stared at the young fur, trying to place him somewhere, trying to remember him then realized she’d never seen him before. All of a sudden the throbbing pain in her head came thundering back. It seemed as though it was screaming at her to lie down again. When she looked for the young black fox, he was nowhere to be seen. In a moment he came padding back to Talon with an icepack in hand.
“Sorry about that, Father hasn’t healed anyone in ages so he’s a little rusty” Romar stated as he gently applied the cool icepack to the vixen’s head. Dazed and confused, poor Talon laid weakly in the bed, her whole body in pain,
“Wh- how did I get like this? Where am I? Who are you? How come I’ve never seen you around town?” Talon asked. The questions seeming to pour out of her mouth like water from Niagara Falls. Romar paused for a moment wondering how to word it with out startling her and decided it best just to tell her what she needed to know and nothing more.

there ya go updated fully ready to be ripped to shreds if need be^^ tell me what you like/ don't like/ hate/ or love about it lol

The next day, when Talon still hadn’t returned home silver started to get really worried. He asked around town but nobody had seen his beloved Talon. He checked all of her favorite trees, asked everyone of her friends, and then checked her trees again but to no avail. As he came to Talon’s most favorite tree for the second time and still hadn’t found her he dropped to his knees despairingly and started to cry.

no comment for this one so too bad for you XP... ooh wait that was a coment DRAT

“Well,…” Romar paused for a second as if to ask her name.
“Well, Talon, I was working outside when I heard an enormous thud. I went to see what it was and found you lying bruised and unconscious under a large tree. I gently lifted you up and carried you home with me. You should be completely healed in about a week.”
“That’s all fine and dandy,” Talon replied, “but I still don’t know where I am or who you are.”
“You should get some rest,” he said stonily as he stood up, “you need your strength.” And with that he walked away.

he's a fickle young fox ain't he?

“Dad, why can’t I be a normal kid? Why can’t I go out and make friends or find a mate?” Romar whined.
“You can’t control your powers. Your emotions are dangerous, they will take control of you and you will level the town. Do you really want to have to move again?” his father replied icily.
Romar’s face contorted in rage,” WELL MAYBE SOMEONE HERE WOULD BE ABLE TO HELP ME DAD! I CAN’T HIDE FROM MY POWERS FOREVER!”, and with a final glare at his father he stormed out of the room and went to make breakfast for Talon.
Talon propped herself up with pillows as her host served her breakfast in bed. Still wary of the strange black fox, she said little. Trying to spark conversation, Romar said, “I didn’t know what you liked so I tried to guess.”
“Thank you” Talon replied with a hint of sadness in her tone. Feeling a bit of concern but not wanting to pry, Romar quietly finished setting up her food tray and said, “You are most welcome”.
After her meal, talon took a nap. During which Romar lazed idly in a char just watching her. When she would stir, he would scamper quietly from the room. An hour or so passed before she woke up again but this time she felt as comfortable as if she were in her own home. Romar casually walked past the door and saw that Talon was awake. *he walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed and brought her hand to his mouth and gently kissed it.
“How are you doing, my lady?”
Talon blushed, “I’m doing much better, Thank you.”

691) What do you think of my story? (I had a hunch some ass hole was tampering with the one in my house so i put it in here) (Administrator: [Just Paula])

Number of voters: 19
* a) It's great I love it!
Number of votes: 4 (21%) Voters: [Wes Foxx], [FiSHr.], [Dark Adherent], [Wolf Of Love and lust]

* b) It's good i don't love it but i like it.
Number of votes: 10 (53%) Voters: [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™], [Small Kitsune], [Zab], [bullet with your name], [~Saraneth~], [Silver], [Ego Diligo Tu], [orchidflame], [..Andrew..], [Quispiam]

* c) It's ok I've read better.
Number of votes: 3 (16%) Voters: [~-+.My Brain Melted.+-~], [Gingisune], [PureEvilDemon]

* d) It's not that good I can tell you don't have much experience writing but keep trying.
Number of votes: 1 (5%) Voters: [Erimentha]

* e) It's pretty bad you need a lot of work.
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* f) It's not my thing.
Number of votes: 1 (5%) Voters: [Sweet Edith.]

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2005-04-01 [Just Paula]: *pashes back*

2005-04-01 [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]: ALL RIGHT YOU TWO BREAK IT UP! lol

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: break what up? >>

2005-04-01 [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]: lol i dont know im picking on Paula mostly! lol

2005-04-01 [Just Paula]: *throws a bazillion bendystraws at renae* not on your life

2005-04-01 [Just Paula]: *glomps wes*

2005-04-01 [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]: OMG paula! lol  ok u 2 r in love as much as me and Mousa arent you paula?

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: *glomps back playfully*

2005-04-01 [Just Paula]: *smiles happily and nods*

2005-04-02 [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]: Awwwwwwww! Well im happy for you guys and when you get nab a ride up here you better know im meeting ya, right Paula? I have to aprove! ;)  lol  j/p

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: yes renae you and lexy and anita and amber as my closest friends all will get to meet him lol

2005-04-02 [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]: i know...i was more telling than asking

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: Xx great, pressure xX

2005-04-02 [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]: O you dont have to worry about me escept if you catch me during a depressed moment like right now...then all you're worried about is that ill cut, Paula knows about that whole senario

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: dont worry wes my friends are the funnest people you will ever meet^^

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: and im the weirdest im willing to bet. Im STILL listening to that "way old" song thing

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: you better be more addicted to me than that thing*glares then bursts into laughter

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: im addicted to you both lol ^^ *snuggles her with his tails*

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: *kisses him*

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: *kisses back lovingly*

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: *smiles happily

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